Call for Board Members & Committee Members

Looking to help make a difference in increasing the number of women in the arts? Consider joining the Board of Directors or a Committee of SkirtsAfire!

A local Non Profit, Charitable Organization group established in 2012, we showcase, empower and support women in the arts. With our yearly programming, we create a platform for women and non-binary artists to share their work in a variety of art forms. We present powerful and insightful stories to a diverse audience that is eager to be moved by passionate performances and exhibitions.

SkirtsAfire is now inviting applications for members of the Board of Directors and our Committees. Each year we continue to expand our programming and grow as a team: we ask ourselves how we can do better, think bigger, and empower artists and audiences through the community we’ve created. You’ll be working with a dynamic, fun and inclusive team to help advance governance, structures, and processes that will guide the organization in its growth. You’ll support the organization through fundraising initiatives and provide strategic leadership and oversight to the organization. As a Committee member, you’ll be supporting the Board in planning and executing various strategies. Use your existing skills or discover new ones as you aid us in presenting thought-provoking, moving, professional artistic performances and exhibitions. Our festival continues to grow – be a part of an Edmonton organization dedicated to supporting women in the arts.

Time commitment: Approximately 6 hours per month for meetings, committee work and events

Term: Two-years


• Leadership, management or professional background in either finance, accounting, human resources, legal, marketing, fundraising, communications or public relations. Individuals working toward a designation are welcome to apply.
• Experience with non-profit Board governance and funding is an asset, or an interest to grow experience in this area.
• Ability to fulfill the time commitment and responsibilities of the role.
• Motivated and inclusive team player.

To apply: Submit your resume and cover letter to In your cover letter, we invite you to describe the actions or abilities you’ve demonstrated in your volunteerism and/or work and life that would support the SkirtsAfire vision and mission.

Visit the rest of our website to learn more about SkirtsAfire, or review the job descriptions here:
Board Member Job Description
Human Resources Committee
Finance & Audit Committee
Fundraising Committee
Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Thank you for your interest! We’re excited to learn more about you.

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