Please fill out the following form by December 20, 2021. If you experience any issues with the form, please email Brianne Jang at For any production specific questions, please email Technical Producer, Betty Hushlak, at

  • Only if this has changed since your Artist Submission Form. This will be used to describe you or your performance on our website, social media and in the digital program. Feel free to include both a blurb to market the performance and a bio if you'd like!
  • Choose any that apply
  • Please include date of performance, description of performance and venue, if possible.
  • SkirtsAfire is modernizing our payment processes and introducing digital alternatives. This is to not only reduce costs, but also increase efficiency and help the environment. For payments, we use a system called Plooto. For this method, we simply need a void cheque emailed to If you prefer, a cheque, please select that option below.
  • (Check all that apply)
  • Technical Requirements

  • Up to 5 minutes maximum for the A-Line Variety Show performances
  • (Not required for artists performing in "The Key of Me" events.) Max Upload Size 7MB.
    Max. file size: 7 MB.
  • Please provide all music and sound cues on an iPod or USB.
  • Please note: SkirtsAfire will provide a festival hang. We will try our best to accommodate your aesthetic within the restrictions of what is available.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.